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Our goal with monsguide is to create a brand that supports & encourages people to get out, explore more, travel more, and spend more time skiing & snowboarding.

Our core ambition is to provide opportunities for young people who wouldn’t usually have access to skiing & snowboarding, to come out to the mountains and fall in love with nature, like we did.

We really love the mountains. And we truly, madly, deeply love winter. We want to shred every day, and get everyone else out on the slopes, too.

Problem is, to do that, we need to protect the environment for the next generation.

So, we had a dilemma.

How do we protect the environments we love, while encouraging more people to visit them?

How do you build an ethical & environmentally friendly business in the travel industry?!? Especially in the snow sports travel industry?!?

We don’t have all the answers, but we’re trying.

We’re focusing on how we can offset our impact and how we can grow, sustainably.

If you want to know how you can play your part, Protect Our Winters are the best place to start.

Here, you’ll find their video series ‘Embracing Imperfect Advocacy’, which has really helped us think about our role in protecting our winters.

They have international and national groups, that you can join here.

We know it’s not enough, but as the POW guys say, being an imperfect advocate is better than staying silent.

And yes, we know you’re not thinking politics while you’re having the time of your life on the slopes, but if you’re based in the UK & want your politicians to give a shit about the melting glaciers and the rubbish ski conditions we’ve had this winter, you can do your bit in 20 seconds.  The Protect Our Winters Send It campaign will send a virtual postcard to your local MP, telling them to stop messing around about climate change and make protecting our winters a priority in their manifestos. Just put in your details, and hit send, the POW guys sort out the rest.

Check out this link to find out more

If you know of any great organisations we should check out, let us know. We’re always looking for charities & NGOs we can partner with.

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